Cube Defense Wiki

The Spike Factory is a unique tower only obtained by playing the game during beta and defeating the Beta Cube. It produces spikes that are similar to the Spike Trap and drops them on the nearest road. It became unobtainable on April 23rd 2019 and everyone who killed the beta cube received this tower.


The Spike Factory looks very similar, both appearance-wise and function-wise, to those found in BTD games. It has a shape of a partial dome with a metal trapdoor on top that opens and closes after spitting out a spike. Around the edges, there is blue neon linings along with blue neon gears.

The spikes it produces are small white metal plates with a set of black spikes on them. 5 spikes are on the plate initially, but as levels progress, the plate gains more spikes and the spikes also become glowing orange. Also, the both the tower and the produced spikes can be changed with Skins.


When placed, the Spike Factory will immediately begin dispensing spikes onto the road. Spikes will last a few minutes before vanishing, meaning that this tower is better placed close to the end of a map rather than near the start.

  • Despite the tower only having Metal Sight on level 4 (losing it on level 5), the Spikes produced will hurt cubes regardless of Shadow or Metal Status.
  • Defense does not reduce damage from spikes.
  • Money is earned from the tower producing spikes as opposed to cubes moving over them; thus, this can be used as an Economy tower in extreme situations.
  • Enhancer can boost the damage of newly produced spikes, however it has no effect on spikes already produced.
Name Damage Fire


DPS Range Detection Cost Total




Spike Factory 25 6s 4.17 10 - $1750 $1750 125
Stronger Spikes 40 6s 6.67 10 - $1200 $2950 250
Gear Loaded Production 40 3.5s 11.42 10 - $2000 $4950 375
Cube Melting Spikes 100 3.5s 28.58 10 LD $8000 $12950 500
Cube Shredder 600 8s 75 10 - $28000 $40950 625


  • This tower is not banned in Cubepocalypse, despite it being able to produce cash without the need for cubes.
  • This tower moderately resembles Shocker.


  • The icon on "Cube Melting Spikes" is shown at a different angle than the rest of the tower.
  • The spikes produced by this tower are called "Spike Trap Fake" and belong to "RoadSpikeRegion". They cannot be destroyed with the /killall command in Sandbox mode.
  • In some maps, the spikes hover JUST above the track.

Light Turret - Plasma Tower - Bubble Tower - Sea Battery - Campfire - Glue Gun - Spike Trap - Bucket - Factory - Mounted Flame Thrower - Heavy Turret - Wall - Shocker - Defabricator - Gold Mine - Mortar - Raft - Missile Launcher - Enhancer - Mounted Minigun - Battleship - Submarine - Plantation - Railgun - Rail Minigun - Blade Spinner - Anti-Cube Defense - Oil Rig - Orbital Satellite - Stealth Bomber - Sun Temple - Garrison - Poseidon's Tomb - Sun Temple MK2 - Fabricator


Star of Xovuso - Orbital Cannon - Lord Xovuso (Tower) - Golden Glue Gun - Golden Light Turret - Void Rift

Event Exclusive

Heavy Turret MK2 - Spike Factory - Egg Launcher - Pumpkin Launcher - The Flying Dutchman - Santa's Sleigh - Dat Ice - Frost Rail - Egg Cannon - Haunted Manor - Blazefall - Gift of Gatling - Jolly Gatling - Gift of Eggcitement - Egg Fabricator - Gift of Water - Pool - Egg - Gift of Bells - Flame Core - Frostel - Flame Rail

Other Towers

Echo Chamber Cannon - Light Turret On A Raft - Spectral Bubble Tower - GUn - Redguy's Tesla
